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Shark Fishing in Miami Beach


Miami Beach has some of the best sharking fishing in Florida, which is why it is such popular adventure for Miami locals and visitors. There is no greater thrill than going to battle with a creature at the top of the ocean’s food chain! We fish for all types of sharks on our Miami DeepRead More

Mackerel Fishing in South Florida


The Mackerel is undoubtedly one of the most popular game fish in the country. These silvery, long, and slender fish are abundant along the Atlantic coast. Both Spanish and King Mackerel are found in the waters of Florida. These big, fast-swimming fish have razor-sharp teeth and are considered a real prize by anglers. Spanish andRead More

Coral Reefs of Florida


  Florida is the only state in the continental United States with extensive shallow coral reef formations near its coasts. Coral reefs create specialized habitats that provide shelter, food, and breeding sites for numerous plants and animals. This includes ones important to fishing like spiny lobster, snapper, and grouper. Coral reefs lay the foundation ofRead More

Preparing for King Tides


The King Tides are the highest predicted high tides of the year. King Tides are technically called “perigean spring tides,” but they occur in both the spring and fall seasons. In fact, the highest tides in southeast Florida occur in the fall, in part because the water is warmer and the seasonal winds drive waterRead More

Safe End of Summer Fun


Things sure have changed with the impacts seen across the world as a result of COVID-19. One of the safest ways to enjoy time with family and friends is to spend time outside in the fresh air.  With the arrival of September, the summer days will slowly begin to wind down. That doesn’t mean youRead More