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Prized as one of the best eating fish in South Florida, Dolphin can be caught year-round with the best months during spring and summer. Dolphins range from a few pounds to 30 – 40 pound range and up. They are often referred to as Dorado or Mahi Mahi and no other fish is more beautiful in the water!

Dolphin have bright blue, green and yellow colors all running together to form the most colorful fish in the ocean. Although we catch Dolphin all year round, most of the bigger fish are caught during the spring while kite fishing for Sailfish. During the summer months, schools of Dolphin travel in the Gulfstream about 10-20 miles from shore. We head out looking for birds that are usually chasing schools of bait-fish or floating debris that the small fish hide under for protection.

The Dolphin is doing the same thing from underneath the water. Once spotted it doesn’t take much to catch a limit of 10 per person. These are referred to as schoolies and can range in size from 4-10 pounds. It is not uncommon to see a Blue Marlin or Swordfish come along and bust up a school. It’s pretty exciting to see a school of Dolphin running from one of these monsters!


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